FlatList using React Native Elements
Hey Guys!! Gud Day to You!!! In last post , we have learnt some basics in React Native. Today, let's learn about rendering FlatList easily using React Native Elements. React Native Elements is a library, which makes our designing work much simpler. We just have to install it into our project's location and then to start using it. Let's start installing (i) Open Terminal and navigate to your project's location. (Ex: D:/React/TestProject ; Here, TestProject is my Project's name). (ii) (a) With Yarn: If you have installed yarn already, then its much simpler to install with following command: (either with Create React Native or React Native CLI) yarn add react - native - elements (b) With NPM: If you're using Creat React Native, then enter following command: npm install -- save react - native - elements If you're using React Native CLI, then execute following commands: npm i react - native - elements -- sav...